Coaching / EC NCCP Equestrian-Specific Coaching Courses
EC NCCP Equestrian-Specific Coaching Courses
EC NCCP Long-Term Equestrian Development
Description: This module will provide participants with an explanation and exploration of 'What is LTED' and where both athletes and coaches fit. Participants will understand that the LTED framework defines optimal training, competition, and recovery programs based on biological age rather than chronological age, therefore based on human growth and development principles. Along with encouraging an athlete-centred approach to equestrian development, athletes with a disability will see how they can achieve success and enjoyment in the sport. There will be discussions surrounding optimal windows of trainability and training vs. growth and development, training vs. competition, and recommended competition to training ratios and development stages.
Duration: half-day course
Certification Contexts: Instructor, Competition Coach, Competition Coach Specialist, High-Performance 1
Applicable to: Coaches, parents, officials, facility owners, riders
EC NCCP Analyzing Beginner Equestrian Performance
This is a half-day course that teaches the equestrian instructor and coach how to apply a basic framework to detect and correct skill errors and engage in extensive reflection on the analysis of performance. Study how to optimize your students’ learning by implementing effective analysis methods in lessons.
Duration: Half-day course
Certification Contexts: EC NCCP Instructor, Competition Coach
Applicable to: Coaches
EC NCCP Plan an Equestrian Practice
Plan an Equestrian Practice helps coaches develop the skills needed to plan a practice (lesson) that meets the standard of the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) and to develop an emergency action plan. This module prepares coaches to plan safe and effective lessons.
Duration: Full-day course
Certification Contexts: EC NCCP Instructor, Competition Coach, Competition Coach Specialist, High-Performance 1
Applicable to: Coaches
EC NCCP Design an Equestrian Sport Program
The Design an Equestrian Sport Program teaches Competition Coaches how to design a basic sport program.
Duration: Full-day course
Certification Contexts: EC NCCP Competition Coach, Competition Coach Specialist, High-Performance 1
Applicable to: Coaches
EC NCCP Manage an Equestrian Sport Program
The Manage an Equestrian Sport Program teaches Competition Coaches how to effectively manage an equestrian sport program in order to meet the training and competition needs of athletes.
Duration: Full-day course
Certification Contexts: EC NCCP Competition Coach, Competition Coach Specialist, High-Performance 1
Applicable to: Coaches, parents, officials, facility owners, riders