About Us
Alberta is home to the highest number of horses per capita in Canada. They are an integral and valued part of our culture and our industry; there is a special bond between horses and humans.
Since 1978, we have been dedicated to working for Alberta equines and equestrian communities. The Government of Alberta recognizes us as the sole governing body for equestrian industry and sport. We offer a wide range of programs and services for owners and riders, from beginners to experts, and for the young and the young at heart. Services range from insurance included in memberships for equestrian-related activities, to our core focus areas of recreation, sport, education, and industry.
We administer the only nationally recognized coaching, instructor, and rider development programs. We provide funding to members for professional development, trail maintenance and expansion, educational opportunities, and we support all levels of competition.
Our equine community consists of 18,000 members in over 425 Alberta communities; we share your passion for equines and invite you to Adult & Youth Membershipbe a part of our community today.
Our Vision
The premier source for education, information, and support for the entire horse and equine community.
Our Mission
To assist in creating a positive environment for the enjoyment of horses and equines.
Through our leadership and proactive approach, we promote, facilitate, and coordinate horse and equestrian-related activities for Alberta.
Our Values
Passion – We are passionate about our equines, our people, and our industry.
Community – We exist to serve our community. We acknowledge our rich equine history, and we remain true to our grassroots origin.
Adaptability and Leadership – We are adaptable in our actions, and we are leaders in the equine community.
Care and Stewardship – We prioritize the health, welfare and safety of our equines and our members. As honest stewards, we know that the environment, animals and people are interconnected.
Accountability – We account for our actions and accept responsibility in an open and transparent manner. We invest our resources wisely. We build trusting relationships with our equines, our members and our community
Inclusivity and Diversity – Together, we create an inclusive culture to encourage, support, and celebrate the diverse voices and experiences of our members. We are dedicated to experiencing authentic relationships with equines and each other.
Statements and Guiding Plans
Guiding plans and statements outline how we operate our day-to-day activities and business. They are used to set priorities and goals, and focus our energy and resources to strengthen operations, ensuring employees, the board, and other stakeholders are working toward common goals. The plans are regularly assessed and adjusted for the organization’s direction in response to a changing environment.
Land Acknowledgment
The Alberta Equestrian Federation humbly acknowledges that what we call Alberta is the traditional and ancestral territory of many diverse original peoples who have lived on these lands for generations. As we make our own footprints and hoofprints, we recognize those who have cared for these lands for centuries. We are grateful to live upon this territory together. We pay respect to the Knowledge Keepers and Elders who are still with us today and those who have gone before us. We are thankful to learn from all the original peoples of these lands as we move forward together in reconciliation.

Climate Change
The Alberta Equestrian Federation acknowledges the world’s climate emergency and resolves to contribute solutions to the climate crisis. We commit to demonstrating leadership to the equestrian community through sustainability in our operations, programs, and projects. We will encourage and help the Alberta equestrian community to assess and implement their own positive changes for future generations.
Equine Welfare Position Statement
All equines matter. The Alberta Equestrian Federation is committed to the respectful and humane care of all equines throughout their lifespan.
- This applies to all equids (horses, ponies, donkeys, mules, hinnies) owned and wild/feral.
- Owned equines to be treated in accordance with the https://www.nfacc.ca/codes-of-practice developed and regularly reviewed under the auspices of the National Farm Animal Care Council.
- AEF recognizes that the Five Freedoms apply to all equines, owned, wild, and feral.
- Transportation in accordance with the Health of Animals Regulations for Animal Transport enforced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and in accordance with any further provincial regulations.
- Euthanasia in accordance with Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Guidelines.
Guiding Plans
2023 – 2028 Strategic Plan
Our strategic plan is set by the board of directors. It looks at where we are now, where we want to be, and how we are going to get there. While plans like this are constantly evolving, they ensure we stay focused and aligned on matters of importance to our members and our business.
2022 Economic Impact Study
As the voice of Alberta horse owners and riders, we have sought for many years to better understand our equestrian community and its contribution to the province. In 2021 we conducted a study designed to capture the impact of all businesses and services in Alberta that connect, directly and indirectly, to the equine industry. Results were compiled and released in the spring of 2022.
The Economic Impact Study shows the equine community’s significant impacts across the province, demonstrating the great importance of this diverse and wide-reaching sector. Findings will help determine the best way to enhance and grow our increasingly vibrant equine community.