Ride & Drive
A rewards program designed to give recreational riders, drivers and vaulters an extra incentive to spend more hours in the saddle or behind the breeching.
Ride and Drive is a reward program open to all AEF members having fun with their horses! It gives riders, drivers, and vaulters an extra incentive to spend more hours in the saddle or behind the breeching, whether for practice, exercise, therapy or just plain fun.
There is no age restriction—it’s for the young and the young at heart! All that’s required is an AEF membership and enrollment into the Ride and Drive program. Members then start logging their hours of riding and driving in their Ride and Drive logbook. The hours accumulate and continue to build, year over year. Never lose your hours by remembering to select the Ride and Drive program when you renew your AEF membership each year.
Rewards are progressive, starting with 25 hours and ending at 2,000 hours. Time spent riding or driving must be logged in your Ride and Drive logbook and submitted if requested.