Hosting Group Activities on Public Land
Your group can plan low-key events such as club fun rides, poker rallies, and other social events without a permit, provided there are no set ups required such as tents or sign in tables along the trail.
There are a few considerations, however, when you go without a permit:
- Your event is not considered a commercial event,
- Your event is not heavily organized with facilities,
- Your equine event does not involve racing of any sort (e.g.: endurance racing),
- Your event only involves access to public land that is not part of the parks system (provincial parks, wildland parks, Public Land Recreation Areas, etc.).Club fun rides on Alberta Parks land is fine unless participant numbers are excessive.
If your event involves any of the above activities, reach out to a local specialist or Lands Officer, as you may require an access permit. Most vacant public land areas have a Recreation Management Specialist who is a great resource for any questions on public land use, or even any trailhead queries. It’s also a good idea to check before heading out to rule out any restrictions such as ATV use.
For more information, visit the Government of Alberta’s page outlining group activities on public land.