Event Details
The School of Equine Massage and Rehabilitation Therapies
Whitemud Equine Learning Centre
$3999 - $4198.95
Event Description
—Learn from a teacher with over 34 years of massage experience.
This course has been designed for the serious horse lover who is dedicated in bettering the life of the horse through an educated and caring touch and earning a living as an Equine Massage and Vertebral Realignment Therapist. In this very intensive 6 week program that runs Monday-Friday, students will learn:
The complete massage of the horse, the equine health check, horse handling techniques to bring together the mind of the horse and the therapist so that both are equal partners in moving forward in the heath care ideal outcome. Horses have opinions, and knowledge of what ails them; we encourage this discussion so that both horse and human can work together to find the correct approach toward optimum healing. The Vertebral Realignment Course (equine chiropractic), saddle fit, lymphatic drainage, advanced assessments along with all of the manual manipulation solutions, advanced business acumen, (a vital part of this course as students are coached so that they are ready to begin their careers immediately), magnetic massage, 50+ stretches that are safe for both practitioner and horse, and so very much more!
Certification: Certified Advanced Equine Sports Massage and Vertebral Realignment Therapist
This course comes with 2 full colour manuals written by the teacher of the program.
All course information is posted on line at: https://www.equinerehab.ca